2008年11月7日 星期五

46-2-2 課文翻譯

Other consumers, called detritus feeders, or detritivores , feed on the wastes or dead bodies of other organisms, called detritus. Examples include small organisms such as mites and earthworms ,some insects, and larger scavenger organisms such as vultures .These organisms extract some of the chemical energy stored in dead organic matter, and their bodies and waste in turn serve as food for other detritus feeders and decomposers .

其他消費者,稱岩屑飼養者或者食腐質者、飼料或其他有機體屍體。 如小蜘蛛和蚯蚓、有些昆蟲,和更大的食腐動物例如禿鷹。這些岩屑飼養者攝取死的有機物身上的化學能,剩下的屍體就留下給其他的岩謝飼養者食用。

Hordes of these organisms can transform a fallen tree trunk into a powder can absorb as nutrients. Thus, in natural ecosystems the wastes and dead bodies of organism serve as resources for other organisms, as the nutrients that make life possible are recycled again and again-another scientific principle of sustainability (see back cover).In summary , some organisms produce the nutrient s they need, other get the nutrients they need by consuming other organisms, and some recycle thenutrients in the wastes and remains of organisms so that producers can use them again.

這些有機體像一個落下的樹幹轉變成粉末才能吸收作為營養素。 因此,在自然生態系中,有機體廢物和屍體對於其他有機體就變成了一種資源,作為能持續被回收的營養素(質量守恆),需要有些有機體生產營養素,其他得到他們通過消耗其他有機體需要的營養素,並且一些回收在有機體廢物和遺骸,以便生產者能再使用他們。
