2009年1月6日 星期二



There Are Three Major Types of Deserts

A desert is an are where evaporation exceeds precipitation.
Annual precipitation is low and often scattered unevenly throughout the year. During the day, the baking sun warms the ground is the desert. BUT at night, most of the heat stored in the ground radiates quickly into the atmosphere .Desert soils have 1ittle vegetation and moisture to help store the heat and the skies above deserts are usually clear. This explains why in a desert you may roast during the day but shiver at night.
每年降雨雪是低和參差不齊地整年經常驅散。 日間,烘烤太陽溫暖地面是沙漠。 但是在晚上,在地面存放的大多數熱迅速放熱入大氣。漠土有極少植被,並且幫助的濕氣存放熱和在沙漠之上的天空通常是確切。 這解釋在沙漠為什麼在白天像在烤,但是在晚上卻冷得發抖。

A combination of low rainfall and different average temperatures creates tropical, temperate, and cold deserts.

Tropical deserts, such as the Sahara and Namib of Africa, are hot and dry most of the year . They have few plants and a hard, windblown surface strewn with rocks and some sand. They are the deserts we often see in the movies.
熱帶沙漠,例如撒哈拉大沙漠和非洲的Namib,是熱和乾燥的。他們只有少量植物,表面散布岩石和一些沙子。 他們是我們在電影經常看見的沙漠。


Dropped leaves, fallen trees, and dead animals decompose quickly because of the warm. moist conditions and hordes of decomposers. This rapid recycling of scarce soil nutrients explains why little litter is found on the ground. Instead of being stored In the soil, about 90% of plant nutrients released by decomposition are taken up quickly and stored by trees, vines, and other plants. This is in sharp contract to temperate forests where most plant nutrients are found In the soil. This helps explain why rain forests are not good places to clear and grow crops or graze cattle on a sustainable basis.

So far, at least half of these forests have been destroyed or disturbed by human activities and the pace of destruction and degradation of these centers of terrestrial biodiversity is increasing.
Ecologists warn that without strong conservation measures, most of these forest will probably be gone within your lifetime, and with them perhaps a quarter of the world's species. This will reduce the earth's biodiversity and help accelerate global
warming by eliminating large areas of tree that remove carbon dioxide From the atmosphere.
到目前為止,至少一半這些森林因人類活動,破壞了地球生物多樣性。而這些破壞仍就持續當中。生態學家警告,如果不採取保護措施,多數這些森林將在您的終身之內消滅世界的種類四分之一。 消除大面積的樹林將減少地球的生物多樣性和幫助加速全球暖化。
